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Dental Dentures Specialist in Toledo, OH

Dental Dentures Specialist in Toledo, OH

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore both the function and appearance of your smile. At Great Smiles Family Dentistry, Dr. Nadeem Khan, DDS specializes in creating custom dentures that fit comfortably and look natural. Our team focuses on providing high-quality full or partial dentures that improve your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing your overall oral health and well-being. Contact us today for more information. We are conveniently located at 4646 Nantuckett Dr Suite D, Toledo, OH 43623.

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore both the function and appearance of your smile. At Great Smiles Family Dentistry, Dr. Nadeem Khan, DDS specializes in creating custom dentures that fit comfortably and look natural. Our team focuses on providing high-quality full or partial dentures that improve your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing your overall oral health and well-being. Contact us today for more information. We are conveniently located at 4646 Nantuckett Dr Suite D, Toledo, OH 43623.
Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore both the function and appearance of your smile. At Great Smiles Family Dentistry, Dr. Nadeem Khan, DDS specializes in creating custom dentures that fit comfortably and look natural. Our team focuses on providing high-quality full or partial dentures that improve your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing your overall oral health and well-being. Contact us today for more information. We are conveniently located at 4646 Nantuckett Dr Suite D, Toledo, OH 43623.

Dental Dentures Specialist Near Me in Toledo, OH
Dental Dentures Specialist Near Me in Toledo, OH

Table of Contents:

What are dentures?
How do dentures work?
How long do dentures last?
What are the benefits of dentures?

What are dentures?

Dentures are dental appliances that are custom-made for each individual patient’s mouth structure to replace any missing teeth or help restore the appearance and oral function of the teeth that were lost.

Dentures come in either full or partial, this is done to replace teeth as not all patients need a full set of dentures, due to only missing a few sets of teeth. When you have missing teeth, your confidence may falter, and you also may begin to experience issues occurring with your teeth like eating or chewing certain foods, or gum sensitivity.

There are different types of dentures that can be used, which ones are recommended will depend on the work that needs to be completed in the patient’s mouth.

• Complete dentures

Complete dentures are made of a plastic base and are color-matched to the patient’s gums, so they look like a replica while supporting the full set of teeth you are receiving. Another form of complete denture is a traditional full denture which is held in the mouth due to a seal that if formed at the gums. They may also be attached to dental implants if you already have some in place.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures have the option to be made out of plastic or a metal frame that will support the partial number of teeth needed to be replaced. Partial dentures are held by clasps and rest carefully around the natural teeth, adapting to their position.

How do dentures work?

Full dentures are designed to be custom-fitted to the jaw and mouth, small implants are input into the jawbone for the denture to attach to, this is so the implants can rest on the natural teeth. Just like natural teeth, dentures will need to be cleaned each and every day.

Partial teeth are also designed and custom fit; however, the remaining teeth you have will be reshaped to fit the denture into place snugly. Just like complete dentures, partial dentures will need to be cleaned each and every day.

How long do dentures last?

If your dentures are taken care of properly, they typically last a minimum of 5 years but can last longer with great care. However, over time the jaw bone begins to shrink causing the denture to become larger than the bone, making it more susceptible to becoming loose. Depending on each individual and how fast the bone begins to shrink will depend on how soon you will need new dentures. This can be controlled if you are continuously making regular visits that are recommended by your dentist to ensure the denture is fitting correctly and looking at everything else within the mouth.

If you keep wearing an ill-fitting denture for too long, it can cause the bone to shrink even faster. Prolonged wear of the denture will need a dentist to use a denture liner often to refit the internal surface of the denture so it will be snug to the oral tissues.

If you crack the base of the denture, it can also be repaired within a few days. However, make sure to have the dentures repaired correctly or there can be complications and denture issues that will be unavoidable.

What are the benefits of dentures?

Dentures provide many benefits to our patients who may be missing teeth due to a variety of reasons, some of these benefits include:

• Increase of your self-esteem
• Improve your appearance as well as your smile
• Dentures provide support to the muscles within your face
• Dentures can improve your speech
• Dentures provide the ability to let our patients eat foods they wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat if they didn’t have teeth
• Dentures today are so advanced they provide not only functionality but comfortability
• Dentures are created to be easily removed and allow the patient to quickly and thoroughly clean them

If you are interested in dental dentures and want to know an estimate of the cost you would have to pay for your dental dentures, and if you are a good candidate for dental dentures, reach out to Great Smiles Family Dentistry today! You can book a consultation appointment by phone, or using or simple appointment app through our website. Contact us today for more information. We are conveniently located at 4646 Nantuckett Dr Suite D, Toledo, OH 43623. We serve patients from Toledo OH, Oregon OH, Ottawa Hills OH, Perrysburg OH, Woodhurst OH, Sylvania OH, and Shoreland OH.